Formwork Tie Rod-Dywidag DSI Rebar-Threaded Wall Tie Bar-Waler Plate-Anchor Nut Threads-Shutter Bolts-Scaffolding Drill Tie System 16mm 12mm

Formwork Concrete Tie Rod All Threaded Rods -DSI Construction -Dywidag -Shuttering Concrete Formwork Tie Rods is a leading components and parts for forming and concreting in formwork system of wall formwork, column formwork, beam formwork etc. The steel tie rod are all threaded in high steel grade galvanized or self-finished in black. There are cold rolled and hot rolled tie rod according to clients request and load capacity requirement. Formwork tie rods are used together with anchor nuts, water stopper, wing nut, tie rod plates etc. According to the size of the tie rod, there are 12mm-32mm tie rods for concrete forming tie system. Get more information about sizes, load capacity for different formwork tie rod and tie bars from the China leading OEM scaffolding manufacturer . concrete formwork tie rod tie bars-dywidag rebar-threaded bolt shuttering-dsi concrete forming construciton concrete form tie system-dywidage tie rod tie bars-tie ...